Oppose racial profiling in Arizona The Arizona legislature just passed a law requiring that police officers harass or arrest anyone who they “reasonably suspect might be an undocumented immigrant.” Speak

May Day For AmericaMay Day For America
May Day For America On May 1st, we held major demonstrations across America to fix an immoral and dysfunctional immigration system.

Start the Debate in Congress!Start the Debate in Congress!
Start the Debate in Congress! Senators Reid, Schumer and Menendez have introduced an outline for a comprehensive immigration bill. It’s time to introduce the bill in Congress and start the

Take the “Immigrant Shoes Challenge”Take the “Immigrant Shoes Challenge”
Take the “Immigrant Shoes Challenge” Congressman Bilbray says undocumented immigrants can be identified by their clothing, “right down to their shoes.” Take our quiz to find out if that’s true,

Border-only Measures Defeated in SenateBorder-only Measures Defeated in Senate
Border-only Measures Defeated in Senate Today three border-only enforcement amendments were defeated in the Senate. Thanks for calling and faxing your Senators to say that we won’t stand for wasteful

Boycott ArizonaBoycott Arizona
Boycott Arizona: Until Arizona’s corporations start speaking out against their racial profiling law, we’re vowing not to patronize Arizona-based businesses.

Build the Momentum for CIR-ASAPBuild the Momentum for CIR-ASAP
Build the Momentum for CIR-ASAP The “CIR-ASAP” act is gaining momentum – get your Representative on board with comprehensive reform!

Tell MLB: Move the All-Star gameTell MLB: Move the All-Star game
Tell MLB: Move the All-Star game Baseball fans tell MLB to move the game Today is the All-Star game. MLB wants to spend millions of dollars to play next year’s game

What Happened to Jerry Brown?What Happened to Jerry Brown?
California Governor Jerry Brown, who signed the state’s DREAM Act last year, vetoed the Trust Act last Sunday. The question is: “Why?” It was disappointing to hear that California Governor

Give Immigrant Children a Chance!Give Immigrant Children a Chance!
Today is Giving Tuesday, a day dedicated to showing support to Nonprofits. As the holiday season approaches, our thoughts are with the many families that our work for comprehensive immigration